Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The unknow about Bonds

Now I know that alot of people believe that Barry Bonds couldn't have gotten that big that fast, but how do you know that for sure? He has never tested positive for steroids and even though his off season trainer was arrested, nothing came back to Bonds. People too often think that Barry took steroids and that is why he is hitting so well into his late 30's but even if you do take Human Growth Enhancement pills, you still have to be able to see the baseball and hit it. To my knowledge there are no steroids that help you pick up whether there is a 95 mph fastball or a 75 mph curve ball coming at you. The steroids are going to do nothing except help him get stronger. Yes, that will make him hit the ball further but the key is that he has to hit it before it can go anywhere. He is the one making the adjustments to help him sit back or swing earlier. The steroids won't help him with that aspect of the game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a good arguement to counter that the steriods make a differnce.You should refer to Barry Bonds with his last name not his first. Has Barry Bonds ever been tested for steriods?