Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Good Chance

Its is a very good chance that Barry Bonds took steroids, it has never been proven though. He has had direct connections with the balco problems. Before the 1999 season Barry bonds had already accumulated 411 home runs, 445 stolen bases, 8 all star selections, 8 gold gloves, and 3 MVP awards. If Barry retired after the 1999 season eh would of been a lock for the Hall of Fame. After the 1999 season Barry's physical trends began to change a lot he went from a base stealing average hitting player to a power hitter. Bonds testified to a grand jury stating that he used a clear substance and a cream given to him by his off season trainer. The trainer that gave him this substances was indicted for being involved in a big steroid scandal. He stated that he used undetectable steroids called "the cream" and "the clear" which was given to him by his trainer Greg Anderson in the season of 2003. His trainer told him that they were nutritional substances or pain relieving creams.


Kelli said...

You've set up a strong argument by giving stats before and after the suspected steroid use. If Bond's trainer gave him substances that were indeed steroids, then why hasn't Bonds been thrown out of baseball yet? why do you think Barry would be lock for the hall of fame in 1999, but won't be now?

Anonymous said...

What are the Balco problems? The stats you gave are good for comparing the differnce that he wasn't a power hitter after the 1999 season. Has there been further investigation of "the cream" and "the clear"?